Innovative targets for laser-plasma interaction


Catalog of products and solutions

SL-GT-10 | High-density gas jet for near-critical regime

The SL-GT-10 system is a high-pressure fast-switching gas jet assembly, specifically conceived for laser-plasma interaction at near-critical regime.


SmartShot | Fast solenoid valve for medium density plasma

SmartShot wave-free supersonic pulsed gas jet system from SmartShell Co. Associated to SourceLAB’s nozzles, it enables high repetition rate shots at medium density level.


SL-ALC | Motorized gas cell for electron injection

The SL-ALC system is a motorized cell of adjustable length, conceived for laser-plasma interaction experiments at underdense regime.


Nozzles | Unique solutions for nozzles manufacturing

Discover SourceLAB unique nozzles solutions to access specific plasma shapes and densities, or request an ad-hoc manufacturing or characterization.


SL-ST-1000 | High-precision high-velocity solid target

A motorized mechanical assembly conceived for solid interaction up to several kHz. It offers unprecedented capabilities for particles and harmonics generation, and plasma mirroring.