SmartShot: an easy access to medium densities range

A2-6 series high speed valve

Pulsed driver
High-speed solenoid valve
Fast pulsed valve driver
SourceLAB and our partner Smartshell are proud to propose the smartshot jet system, ideal for reliable laser wakefield acceleration of electron.
The wave-free supersonic pulsed gas jet system SMARTSHOT is developed as a gas target for laser-plasma interaction studies such as laser-plasma acceleration, X-ray lasers, laser-plasma X-ray sources, etc…
It can be used for the experimental studies which require the production of very localized high-density gas target with high repetition rate in vacuum.
The system uses a valve which can eject high-pressure gas (up to 7(10) MPa) through an orifice with large diameter.
The valve can be operated with high-speed opening and closing (100-200 µs) by proper driving pulse control.
The valve can open fully and provide a stable ejection pressure even under the condition of regulation pressure of 10 Mpa.
All SL-Noz class nozzles are compatible with SmartShot valve. In particular, special slit nozzle produces localized uniform gas jet in tiny region.
Maximum pressure 10 Mpa
High-speed open / close ~200 µs
Flat top ~1.8 ms (for Helium)
Rep. rate maximum 10 Hz

A2-6 series high speed valve

Pulsed driver
High-speed solenoid valve
Fast pulsed valve driver
SourceLAB and our partner Smartshell are proud to propose the smartshot jet system, ideal for reliable laser wakefield acceleration of electron.
The wave-free supersonic pulsed gas jet system SMARTSHOT is developed as a gas target for laser-plasma interaction studies such as laser-plasma acceleration, X-ray lasers, laser-plasma X-ray sources, etc…
It can be used for the experimental studies which require the production of very localized high-density gas target with high repetition rate in vacuum.
The system uses a valve which can eject high-pressure gas (up to 7(10) MPa) through an orifice with large diameter.
The valve can be operated with high-speed opening and closing (100-200 µs) by proper driving pulse control.
The valve can open fully and provide a stable ejection pressure even under the condition of regulation pressure of 10 Mpa.
All SL-Noz class nozzles are compatible with SmartShot valve. In particular, special slit nozzle produces localized uniform gas jet in tiny region.

Example of supersonic gas jet injection into vacuum by the wave-free slit nozzle

Example of sonic gas jet injection into vacuum by a conical nozzle

Typical density distribution of the gas jet
As shown in the interferogram image, the wave free nozzle can produce a supersonic laminar flow with sharp boundary between gas jet and vacuum.
In contrast to sonic injection, an uniform density distribution is formed inside triangular area at the exit of the nozzle
Time response of the gas jet

Typical time response of the solenoid valve

Typical time response of the solenoid valve

Detailed specifications:
Input voltage: 85 – 264 V (AC)
Drive voltage: 40 – 180 V (Pulse)
Pulse duration for excitation: 0.1-9.9 ms
Pulse duration for negative voltage: 0.1-10.1 ms
Maximum drive current: 35 A
Outlet aperture size: D=1.5 mm
Maximum working pressure: 7 MPa
Internal leakage: Less than 10 cm3.min-1
External leakage: Less than 1.33 * 10-6Pa.m3.s-1
Voltage: DC 48 V for driving armature, DC 12 V for keeping armature position
Gas connection: ¼ inch Swagelok
Repetition: 10 Hz (Max)
M. Alkhimova et al.High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Vol. 8, e26 (2020)
- T. Hosokai et al.
Supersonic gas jet target for generation of relativistic electrons with 12-TW 50-fs laser pulse
Proceedings: C02-06-03.1, p.981-983 (2002)
- Overview
SmartShot: an easy access to medium densities range
A2-6 series high speed valve
Pulsed driver
High-speed solenoid valve
Fast pulsed valve driver
SourceLAB and our partner Smartshell are proud to propose the smartshot jet system, ideal for reliable laser wakefield acceleration of electron.
The wave-free supersonic pulsed gas jet system SMARTSHOT is developed as a gas target for laser-plasma interaction studies such as laser-plasma acceleration, X-ray lasers, laser-plasma X-ray sources, etc…
It can be used for the experimental studies which require the production of very localized high-density gas target with high repetition rate in vacuum.
The system uses a valve which can eject high-pressure gas (up to 7(10) MPa) through an orifice with large diameter.
The valve can be operated with high-speed opening and closing (100-200 µs) by proper driving pulse control.
The valve can open fully and provide a stable ejection pressure even under the condition of regulation pressure of 10 Mpa.
All SL-Noz class nozzles are compatible with SmartShot valve. In particular, special slit nozzle produces localized uniform gas jet in tiny region.
Maximum pressure 10 Mpa
High-speed open / close ~200 µs
Flat top ~1.8 ms (for Helium)
Rep. rate maximum 10 Hz
A2-6 series high speed valve
Pulsed driver
High-speed solenoid valve
Fast pulsed valve driver
SourceLAB and our partner Smartshell are proud to propose the smartshot jet system, ideal for reliable laser wakefield acceleration of electron.
The wave-free supersonic pulsed gas jet system SMARTSHOT is developed as a gas target for laser-plasma interaction studies such as laser-plasma acceleration, X-ray lasers, laser-plasma X-ray sources, etc…
It can be used for the experimental studies which require the production of very localized high-density gas target with high repetition rate in vacuum.
The system uses a valve which can eject high-pressure gas (up to 7(10) MPa) through an orifice with large diameter.
The valve can be operated with high-speed opening and closing (100-200 µs) by proper driving pulse control.
The valve can open fully and provide a stable ejection pressure even under the condition of regulation pressure of 10 Mpa.
All SL-Noz class nozzles are compatible with SmartShot valve. In particular, special slit nozzle produces localized uniform gas jet in tiny region.
Example of supersonic gas jet injection into vacuum by the wave-free slit nozzle
Example of sonic gas jet injection into vacuum by a conical nozzle
Typical density distribution of the gas jet
As shown in the interferogram image, the wave free nozzle can produce a supersonic laminar flow with sharp boundary between gas jet and vacuum.
In contrast to sonic injection, an uniform density distribution is formed inside triangular area at the exit of the nozzle
Time response of the gas jet
Typical time response of the solenoid valve
Typical time response of the solenoid valve
- Specifications
Detailed specifications:
Input voltage: 85 – 264 V (AC)
Drive voltage: 40 – 180 V (Pulse)
Pulse duration for excitation: 0.1-9.9 ms
Pulse duration for negative voltage: 0.1-10.1 ms
Maximum drive current: 35 A
Outlet aperture size: D=1.5 mmMaximum working pressure: 7 MPa
Internal leakage: Less than 10 cm3.min-1
External leakage: Less than 1.33 * 10-6Pa.m3.s-1
Voltage: DC 48 V for driving armature, DC 12 V for keeping armature position
Gas connection: ¼ inch Swagelok
Repetition: 10 Hz (Max) - Downloads
- Publications
M. Alkhimova et al.High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Vol. 8, e26 (2020)
- T. Hosokai et al.
Supersonic gas jet target for generation of relativistic electrons with 12-TW 50-fs laser pulse
Proceedings: C02-06-03.1, p.981-983 (2002)